Instructor’s Form Personal InformationYour Name *Up to Three Names are RecommendedYour Phone Number *Your Email Address *Your Residence *Area of Residence, No need for a specific Street or Building NumberYear of Birth *Only the Year of Birth, no need for the Month or the DayEducational BackgroundFaculty Name *Engineering, Mass Communication, Etc...University Name *Cairo, Ain Shams, Alexandria, Etc...Year of Graduation *Expected Year if you are StudentSpecialization *Public Relations, Civil Engineering, Accounting, Etc...Technical BackgroundCurrent Job Title *Years of Experience *Current Company *Working Type *Full Time, Part Time, Probation, FreelanceTraining BackgroundTeaching Specialization *Public Relations, Digital Marketing, Soft Skills, Etc...Years of Experience *Previously Training Hours *Estimated amount of hours that you spent training: 1000 Hrs, 10000 Hrs, Etc...Previously Trained Participants *Estimated number of people that you taught before: 500, 1000, 10000, Etc...Teaching Style *OfflineLive - OnlinePrerecorded - OnlineHourly Rate *Put an estimate amount of money per hour (LE/Hr.) it can be changed from time to time.Social Media and CVLinkedIn URL *Facebook URLYou can choose not to share it, its not requiredInstagram URLYou can choose not to share it, its not requiredBiography Summary *Please Write a Summary About you that we can use in our marketing content, the marketing content will be shown to you before releasing.Upload a professional Photo of you *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileProfessional Photo is used for our website, marketing and courses bannersUpload a Casual Photo of you *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileCasual Photo is used for marketing and interactive posts with our followersUpload your Resume or CV Updated Please *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileSubmitSave as Draft